My portfolio hero

Portfolio website

Let's try JAMSTACK

As a developer you have the opportunity to try something different when creating your portfolio website. My eyes fell on Nuxt.js as site generator in combination with Storyblok for managing the content and Vercel for hosting the build files.

The last few years JAMSTACK is one of the big topics. In 2015 I had my first experience with a pre-JAMSTACK tool called Webhook that I used in a project, which worked really nice. There are still discussions about the pros and cons. So I wanted to experience it myself by using it for my portfolio website. I found it easy to use and I think it's a friendly solution for front-end developers, since there is no need for back-end development or development operations experience.


It's a content management system that can be used for headless setups like a JAMSTACK one with Nuxt.js. It comes with powerfull content tools like live preview during editing but also amazing image transform options for smart rendering of your images.


Nuxt is a VUE.js framework to generate static sites. Once you're connected to your content API endpoints or markdown files and added the templates for displaying the content, you're ready to build your website. The build will generate static html, css & js files which can then be uploaded to the server and you have a blasting fast website up and running. Vercel

Is a platform for the hosting of your website. It comes with some easy tools for building, managing, deploying and testing your website builds. JAMSTACK

A JAMSTACK solution can have a postive influence on a more environmentally friendly web. In case of a portfolio website it could be the perfect solution, since the complete website is statically build. So, when a user visits the website mulitple requests and servers aren't needed to serve the website.