
My Portfolio 2.0

Let's go longterm

It should have been a 5 minute change: update my website with the details of my new job. But then I found out my content changes were not generated.... what's going on? Vercel stopped supporting Node v12 and moved to Node v14. My Nuxt.js v.2 and Storyblok v.1 didn't support Node 14 and caused issues during a new build of the website. Oh snap, what to do?! I decided to start over and to come up with a stable solution. This time I was a bit more picky with my CMS choice and went for a bigger player: Contentful. I picked SvelteKit because I wanted to explore more possibilities that Svelte has to offer than is possible in my work at Decathlon. Let's do this!


I've read great stories about Svelte and after working with it at Decathlon I can confirm: it's really nice to work with. So for my portfolio 2.0 choice it was pretty straight forward to use SvelteKit, especially since the official 1.0 release.

SvelteKit is an application framework powered by Svelte — build bigger apps with a smaller footprint.


A bigger player, bigger community, some time in the game now and still going strong. But when I saw it also supports GraphQL I was sold to Contentful.

The setup for my pages and content fields were straightforward and was done before I knew it.

To save time I now used the REST API's, the documentation is really good.

To do:

The focus for now was to bring back life in my website. Before I started, I made a list of the things I want to explore and implement. Currently, there are still some things left I want to implement:

  1. Multiple sustainable web optimisations:

    • Replace as much as possible images with vectors;

    • Change to energy efficient colours;

    • Move to a Green Hosting party.

  2. Replace the Contentful REST API integration with GraphQL variant;

  3. Add TypeScript;

  4. Add some small micro animations.