Crisp Sheets Hero

Crisp Sheets

An ongoing story

Crisp Sheets was the first webshop I built during my employment at Bolden. We started with a basic webshop and over the years, it kept growing with more features.

The successful brand Crisp Sheets started with one product: stunning looking bedding sheets. The collection grew over the past years and now contains a variety of multiple categories of more than 400 different products.


I extended the shop with a blog option for better storytelling.


I added a more flexible way of adjusting the style of the pages. And integrated Facebook Pixel to track the user behaviour. 2020

We refreshed the design, with a complete makeover for the navigation, homepage, product overview page and the product detail page. A big feature we added was an option to add multiple products at the same time to the cart.


Beginning of this year I added in the checkout an autocomplete feature for the users address. Later on I added a feature to show an upsell popup modal after adding a product to the cart. This shows suggested products the user can add to the cart before the user goes to the checkout. Currently we are working on a big update for the general commerce system. I added a modern way of serving the front-end files with a webpack building tool setup and misc. other improvements.